Monday, November 28, 2011

The Puppy Doctor

I triggered last night, and if I thought I was uncomfortable toward the end of stims I had another thing coming.  I am sooo bloated, constipated, achy.... ugh.  I really hope we get a bunch of eggs tomorrow so I never have to do this again. 


But today, we have bigger things to take care of.  We had to take our baby to a specialist at Michigan State animal hospital.

Quick back story:  Sometime in September, Lucy started limping and favoring her left hind leg.  Seemed to get better, then worse again.  Took her to the vet.  Vet was worried about hip dysplasia so we got some meds and were ordered to keep her activity level down to see if it got better.  No dice, so we took her back two weeks later for x-rays.  Vet didn't think she had hip dysplasia, said to keep resting it.  Vet calls back 2 weeks later saying that she showed x-rays to some colleagues, and maybe Lucy does have dysplasia.  Referred us to a specialist at MSU who specializes in canine orthopedics (he is actually one of the best in the country).

So today, we hit the road nice and early to get to an 8:30am appointment in East Lansing.  We met with a vet student who took a history and did an exam.  He took the x-rays we brought to show the vet, and then we got to meet with the vet himself.  The vet checked out Lucy's leg for approximately 15 seconds and informed us she had a ruptured ACL.  According to him, her hips look great for a 2-year old.  Yeah, we were a little miffed at this point.

So, he recommended a TPLO surgery, and he could do it tomorrow.  We talked (for about 30 minutes actually), and since we were expecting Lucy to need surgery anyway (just not on her knee and not the next day) we decided to leave her there to have the operation.

I have been a mess all afternoon.  There are lots of tears.  I'm sure it is part hormones, but I can't stop worrying about my baby.  She must be super scared and she is all alone (an exaggeration I realize, but she isn't with us).  And no one will be there holding her paw when she wakes up from surgery tomorrow.  So I'll just keep her in my thoughts and prayers.  We really need to get her fixed up.  She has been sad since I stopped taking her on my runs and Josh stopped taking her to the dog park to play.  We just want our happy puppy back!

So tomorrow is puppy and mommy surgery day.  Say a little prayer for us!

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