Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Green light

We passed one last hurdle this week, and have the green light to proceed with our IVF cycle.

On Monday I went in for an SHG (sonohystogram) and what they call a "mock-transfer."  The SHG was done to make sure there were no abnormalities in my uterus that would prevent a viable pregnancy.  My RE inserted a catheter with a balloon into my cervix, and then filled my uterus with saline.  Nothing abnormal there, yea!  The mock-transfer only took a few seconds afterward.  Since embryos are so fragile, the doctor wants to make she he will have no trouble transferring them.  Se he "practiced" with the same type of catheter they use during the embryo transfer just to make sure everything went smoothly.  No problems there either!  The whole procedure took less than 5 minutes.  I felt a little bit of cramping, but no significant pain.  I went back to work after and did a 4 mile run in the afternoon, so it didn't keep me off my feet at all.

At this point, I am very nervous about this cycle.  I am pretty scared about all of the meds and hormones and how I will react (and how Josh will react to how I react) and how uncomfortable I might be.  It will all be worth it in the end, though.  I want this baby more than anything and I will do whatever I have to at this point to make that happen.  I am also keeping a very positive outlook and am excited.  I try to hold onto those positive thoughts to get me though.

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