Sunday, August 21, 2011

Leave your snakes at home

This past weekend we took a quick trip to Florida for my cousin's wedding.  We flew into Tampa and spent our time in the Auburndale/Lakeland area.  We visited for my other cousin's wedding in April, so this trip was all business - flew in on Friday, back on Sunday morning.  It was great to see family, and to spend a couple days chilling, reading in the pool, and stuffing our faces with yummy food.

Josh got the trip started by catching up on some sleep.  He's lucky I let him have the window.
 Josh, about 30 minutes into the trip.

When we arrived to pick up our rental car, we lucked out and got a mini van even though we paid for a Kia Rio.  That was sarcastic - you may be able to tell from the look on my face how happy I was to taxi my family around for the weekend:
Mini-van mom in training

The rehearsal dinner was Friday night, and my Aunt and Uncle had a Hawaiian theme with a luau spread, which was delicious.
My sister Pam, cousin Tim - the one getting married, cousin Erin - who got married in April, and me.  Even though we lived in different states, the four of us spent lots of time growing up together.

And now with the significant others.  I think my mom cried when we took this picture.

Saturday was a nice relaxing day since the wedding wasn't until 5pm.  After breakfast, we walked down the street to the flea market that we would visit when we visited my Aunt and Uncle when we were younger. 
You have to leave your pet snakes at home.  
I'm guessing because they don't want to risk any of the <10 lb dogs getting eaten.

It was a lot cooler when I was younger.  Oh well, I did find 2 decent pairs of knock-off sunglasses for $10 (total).  We spent the afternoon in my Aunt and Uncle's pool, catching up with family and eating leftovers from the night before (did I mention the good food?).  Then it was time to get ready for the wedding!

My cousin is an architect and designed and built this cross for the chapel where they got married.  Isn't it beautiful?!
Though I think he finished it the day of the wedding.  As the say, if you wait until the last minute, it only takes a minute!

 I love it when guys cry at the alter while they watch their bride walk down the aisle.  Josh cried when he saw me and it melted my heart even more.

No shame - making out at the alter.  Congrats Tim and Meggie!

 Pam and Me

 Josh and me.  The reception was at a yacht club and the ballroom had a really pretty view.

 Pam and Ervin

My Aunt and Uncle - evidence that I am still learning with this camera.  Too much to think about at once sometimes!

My mom and dad had a fun time!

We had a great trip, but I was excited to get home and pick up the puppy.  She missed us! 

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