Thursday, August 25, 2011

Babies, Babies, Everywhere

I'm sure its because I'm hyper-sensitive to the subject lately, but seriously, I'm reminded of pregnancy and babies ALL.THE.TIME!

Let me run down the past week for you:
-Chick-lit book for our Florida trip (Good In Bed) - a third of the way in, and main character finds herself in the midst of an unplanned pregnancy.  Its worth noting the synopsis on the jacket fails to mention "baby" anywhere.
-Cousin's wedding - one guest has the cutest looking baby bump on display in a figure-hugging long dress, while another couple are toting around an infant carrier holding the most adorable, tiny, couldn't-be-but-a-couple-weeks-old-MAX bundle of pure newborn cuteness.  Josh caught me staring, twice.
-Oh,  Its seems like every day I want to catch up on Hollywood gossip, and I find out some other celebrity is knocked up.  I realize I only have my self to blame - I'm reading the gossip, and any Hollywood baby is most definitely news.
Hilary Duff and Mike Comrie announced their pregnancy on their 1-year anniversary, I already LOVE Jennifer Garner and her and Ben make beautiful babies, and Cameron is just faking it on the set of her new movie What to Expect When You're Expecting, which I actually want to see when it comes out.

It just seems like there are babies everywhere lately, except in my tummy of course.  I don't want to seem bitter - when friends and acquaintances announce their pregnancies, I am truly happy for them.  I just want it to be our turn so damn bad.

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