Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Bury it

I had yet another monitoring appointment this morning - bloodwork and ultrasound.  I'll get right to the details: 1 30mm follie, 6.8 mm lining, and an E2 (estradiol) level of 602.  No ovulation detected.

So my doctor decided we need to get this show on the road!  And Josh couldn't by happier :)  My nurse called in a prescription for an HCG trigger shot this afternoon, which should make me ovulate in the next 36-42 hours.

I mildly freaked out when I found out that we would have to administer said shot at home this evening.  Yes, I had to have my husband give me a shot in my butt.  Oh, the joys of infertility.  Nothing says "lets make a baby" like "bend over so I can stick a needle in your ass."  But at the end of the day, I'm laughing.  We somehow made a 60-second shot into an hour-long ordeal.
Our bathroom is also our laundry room, so the washer made the perfect laboratory.

There were Youtube videos (of the mixing - since the HCG comes in powder form - and of the injecting), the directions from the doctor, the directions from the pharmacy, more directions from the Internet, and Josh text-messaging his doctor friends.... trust me, we did our research.  My favorite line of the night: Josh asking his friend how far to stick the needle in before injecting the medicine; the reply: "bury it."  Thanks Mike, we needed the laugh.

Needless to say, all of this drama, and it was over in a matter of seconds.  I honestly hardly felt a thing.  Josh had the needle out before I even knew he did the injection.  Easy peasy.  Should we need to do this again, we are practically pros!  In the meantime, we have three days to make the magic happen, then more waiting.  Fingers crossed for good news in a few weeks!

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