Friday, December 16, 2011


I went in for my beta (blood pregnancy test) this morning.  I was in a meeting all afternoon, so it was kind of late by the time I could check my phone.  My nurse had left a voicemail to call her back (I already knew they wouldn't leave the results on a VM).  So I called back.  She said, "26."

My hCG level was 26.  This isn't good.  Today I am 17dpo (17 days past egg retrieval/ovulation), and 12dp5dt (12 days past 5 day transfer).  My level should have been a few hundred.  The nurse said that while this is quite a bit lower that what they would have expected, it doesn't give a definitive result.  The test was "inconclusive."

I hate that word.  Josh keeps trying to remind me that it isn't necessarily bad.  But hearing anything other than "You're pregnant!" on the phone today would have been a disappointment.

Maybe I have a "late implanter," or maybe my betas are just slow to rise.  I keep trying to think about all of those possibilities.  I go in Monday for another beta, hoping to see the number more than double.

This sucks.  This sucks so bad.  Two days ago we were completely overjoyed.  We have plans on how to tell our immediate families at Christmas.  My life is running in slow motion.  Sometimes I think Monday can't come fast enough because I need to hear that this baby is sticking around.... and then I'm afraid of what we might hear and I don't want Monday to come at all because right now I am pregnant and I don't want it to end.

I guess we are going to spend the weekend trying to distract ourselves with other Christmas activities and trying to not stress out.  Oh, and praying.  A lot.

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