Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Puppy

This weekend was G.R.E.A.T.  I had a four day break from work, we saw some fireworks in Bay City on Friday, and headed "Up North" on Saturday after my run.  Lucy actually went swimming!  (Although labs are generally water dogs, last summer Lucy wanted absolutely NOTHING to do with the lake.  She hated it.)  I have so many pictures, so its best if I just share some and narrate along the way.

We started at Grammy's place on Wixom Lake.  Josh's sister and her boyfriend were there as well, with Lucy's cousin Hank.  We had lots of good food and good company, and Josh and I even won a few rounds of bocce ball :)
Me, Josh and Lucy (who isn't that great in posing for family pictures)

Josh with his mom and sister

It took a little coaxing, but Josh and Sarah managed to convince Lucy to give the lake a chance.  A little boost was all she needed.... she was swimming and prancing around in no time!


 Lucy and Hank had a BLAST playing together, in the water and in the yard.

And they totally tired each other out.  There was plenty of relaxing had by all this weekend.

On Sunday, we headed up to Josh's dad's cabin at Higgins Lake to enjoy the day with that side of the family.  First, Lucy had to test out that lake too:

Its become an annual event that Bill and Elaine invite this guy up to sing - its essentially one gigantic block party.
 Larry, of Larry & Darryl

 It may not look like it, but Grandpa was really enjoying himself (that is Larry's girlfriend)!

Party puppy!  Lucy was a hit - she got a call-out from Larry and got to dance center-lawn.

We left just after dark to head back to Wixom to spend some more time with Sarah before her move to New Orleans.  Monday was a relaxed day with more swimming:

 Lucy and Hank played fetch in the water

This is Lucy's finest alligator impression

It was such a great weekend, and we had a very happy puppy.  Can't wait to find another free weekend to head up north, and do it all again.

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