Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Its always something...

I had a lot going on today.  It started out with a monitoring appointment at the REs office.  Today is CD13, and I was shocked at the progress so far!  I had a 14 mm follicle on the left, and a 20 mm on the right, with a few smaller non-dominate follicles on each side.  In the previous cycles, I have been a much later ovulator so this was a surprise.  My uterine lining was only 5.5 mm, which is a little low, but thinned lining is a known side effect of Clomid.  The nurse called back this afternoon with the blood work - my LH is a little elevated, so doctor said to trigger tonight! 

Josh gave me the hCG shot tonight after dinner, and it was much less of an ordeal than last time.  I am so confident that this cycle will work for us.  It has to, because the timing really couldn't be worse:  Our estimated due date would be around June 15th, and I am supposed to stand up in my best friends wedding on June 9th.  But I would happily take on this challenge if it means having a baby in 9 months :)
**I do want to point out that I have talked to my best friend on many occasions, and she is fully supportive of the fact that Josh and I do not want to take breaks in this process, and that we will deal with the wedding conflict if and when it is an issue.  She really is my best friend for a reason.

On top of all that, I got in a fabulous 10.5 mile run tonight - I averaged 9:08 pace, but ran the last 5.5 miles all under 9:00/mile.  I felt great.....  except for the HUGE blister on the inside of my right big toe.  I got the blister on my long run on Saturday, and my runs yesterday and today have aggravated it more.  I want to drain it, but Josh keeps telling me not to.  To pop it, or not to pop it, that is the question.  Its always something....

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