Monday, June 20, 2011

Diagnosis, sorta

We had our first appointment with our RE (reproductive endocrinologist, aka fertility doctor) today, which was essentially just a consultation.  The doctor reviewed our medical history, looked over my charts and lab results thus far, and basically determined I most likely have PCOS.  We discussed our options, which included many more references to IVF than I would have liked.  The good news, is that I can most certainly get pregnant, the question is just how.  Josh and I have a lot of talking and consulting with Dr. Google to do before we decide anything.

After the initial discussion, our doctor wanted to do an ultrasound to check my ovaries (to confirm the PCOS diagnosis).  We were ushered to the ultrasound room, where we waited for a long time (30 minutes maybe?) while doc got side-tracked with another patient.  It gave me and Josh time to talk, while I sat there with my pants off covered with a paper sheet.  Isn't that how most couples have some of the most important discussions of their lives?

Anyway, the ultrasound actually showed that I have 3 large follicles (32, 31, and 27mm) and should be ovulating any day (great news, and somewhat what I expected since it was CD 20 and no temp spike yet).  Because of the follie size, doc couldn't confirm the PCOS diagnosis.  If I'm not pregnant this cycle, there is some additional testing we will do early next cycle to check my fallopian tubes and ovaries for normal shape and function.

So this ultrasound, it lasted no more than a minute.  And cost $250.  Jeez - if they started charging by the minute, that scan would be $15,000 an hour! 

After stopping by the lab for a quick blood draw, Josh and I headed home.  And I giggled like a school girl reading the instructions for his semen analysis in two weeks.  I can be so immature sometimes....

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